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Protect your hands if they got dried due to using soap and hand disinfectant

    Regular hand washing is one of the most effective forms of removing germs from your skin. Whether you choose soap or alcohol based hand sanitizer, the result is almost the same. The amount of bacteria, fungi, viruses and contaminations on the skin is minimized. We could say, hooray, but unfortunately the situation is not that simple….

    Protect your hands if they got dried due to using soap and hand disinfectant

    By cleaning hands more often than usual, we damage the valuable defence system of our skin. Alkaline soaps and alcohol based hand disinfectants dissolve the lipid layer on the skin and cause unwanted water loss. In extreme cases, the skin will crack and eczema may develop, which will not only be a hotbed for pathogens, but also difficult to reverse.

     In order to prevent the skin from drying out, it is important to find a balance between hand cleansing and care. Even if not during the day, but in the evenings, make sure to use rich hand creams - possibly with regenerating effect - so that your sensitive skin under stress can "heal" and be hydrated while you are relaxing.

     The lipids in hand creams, when applied gently to the skin, prevent the precious moisture from disappearing and the unwanted dehydration. At the same time, they "integrate" into the skin's natural system and contribute to a healthy skin structure and prevent dry skin.

     Ingredients such as panthenol or chamomile reduce existing irritation and, more optimally, help prevent it. They can minimize redness, itching and skin sensitivity. Their combined effects help soothe the skin. Various oils, in addition to their moisturizing effect, most often protect skin cells with their antioxidant ingredients and contribute to healthy skin.

     So a hand cream is always good. Extremely cleansed hands with soaps and hand sanitizers are a must!
